Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thy will be done & desire (part 3)

From Webster's Second Edition, the definition of Will:

1. The act or process of volition; specifically:
(a) wish; desire; longing
(b) inclination; disposition; pleasure
2. Something wished by a person, especially by one with power or authority; specifically
(a) a request
(b) a command; decree

Stop and consider what this means, in relation to the 4th verse of the Lord's Prayer: "Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."

Using the words in the definition, this verse could be rendered:

"Thy desire be done in earth as it is in heaven."

Or perhaps (considering Mrs. Eddy's concept that "desire is prayer") even:

"Thy prayer be done in earth as it is in heaven."

Think of this: if you honestly are praying this verse with all your heart, you are praying to see God's will, His desire to be done right here where you are, to be done right here on earth just like His will is done in heaven.

And what is God's will for you, His desire for you? Isn't it that you be like Him? That you be whole, and holy? That you understand that you are actually the image of Love - loving, lovable, loved? That you live that truth and grow outward and upward with vigor, freshness, and bliss?

God's will for you is always good, because He, by His very nature, is Good. In fact, His will for you, His wish for you, His desire for you, His prayer for you is not just earthly good. It is heavenly Good!

So when you pray this verse, you are opening up your heart to God's prayer for you. You are trusting your desires, your prayers to Him, so that they may lose their "earthiness" and be molded and exalted to reflect His heavenly good will for you. You actually start to pray (and mean it): "Enable us to know, as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme."

Trust your desires to God. Let that trust move you to listen to Him. Let Him mold your will to His. Let Him exalt you, awaken you to who you really are: already complete, already like Him, already His perfect spiritual image and likeness.

As you begin to think and act from that standpoint, you begin to understand that His kingdom is already come, His will is already done, that

"...the kingdom of God is within you" - already within you, naturally. Right here. Right now.

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