Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Feed the famished affections (Part 2)

"Give us this day our daily bread."
Give us grace for today. Feed the famished affections.

Chew the Word of God. That is, think about it deeply. Ponder it. Mull it over. Work and pray to feel its inspiration, its power and meaning. Understand it so you can live it and work it and be it and see it and share it and be revealed by it, in it. Chew it!

There is no danger of decay doing this, no build up shellacking your thought, your consciousness of His Word. There is only strength and growth and purifying and wholeness in the action of His Word in your thought and life.

"O taste and see that the Lord is good."

So go ahead and chew His sweet and salty Word. Savor it. Digest it. Enjoy it. It is your daily bread. It's inspiration is your holy wine. Let His Word feed you, forgive you, deliver you, and lead you. Because it surely will, with divine results.

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