Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why the Lord's Prayer heals

"For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever."
For God is infinite, all-power, all Life, Truth, Love, over all, and All.

Everything that has gone before, every profound statement of Truth, every verse, every word of the Lord's Prayer is powered by this final declaration.

God's name and nature are hallowed, God's presence is confirmed, God's will is declared by this verse. The reason God feeds us, forgives us, leads and delivers us is explained by this verse. This is a clear statement of God's complete dominion over you and the universe. It is laid down as the law governing you and every situation you - or anyone or anything - will ever encounter. This verse is the reason the Lord's Prayer meets every human need. This is the reason the Lord's Prayer heals.

Over the course of many months I have changed from just saying the Lord's Prayer to really praying the Lord's Prayer. I have come to understand that the Lord's Prayer fulfills the 10 Commandments - the 10 Promises - that outline exactly who we are as God's image and likeness. I love discovering the symmetry of how verses 2 - 4 are the reasons verses 5 - 7 are possible. I love how the Lord's Prayer is all about our real relationship with God, about how this prayer creates an openness - a hospitality - to our Father-Mother, to accept Him, adore Him, recognize His presence and His power superceding every thought of "something else", of separation.

So I especially love how the Lord's Prayer affirms our unity with God - as our Father, as our Mother. And only as we understand that can we even know Who we are praying to, who we are trusting our desires to! And then (and only then) can we actually ask for what we need and be confident in getting a healing answer.

And what does Jesus show us we need? Our daily bread - our daily communion, our daily experience - of God, the Adorable One. An experience of His grace feeding all the hungerings we have. His awakening Love forgiving us, reflected in our love of forgiving ourselves and others. His sure leading - never into evil - but always delivering us from sin, disease, death - from any sense of separation from Him.

And how is all this possible?

"For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever."
For God is infinite, all-power, all Life, Truth, Love, over all, and All.

That's why. That's the law overturning every counterclaim of us being separated from God. That is what changes our perception of what is real and true. That is what subordinates what we humanly think is true and real for what God actually declares is true and real.

He owns it all! His is the kingdom. His is the power. And His is the glory.

And what's more: our rightful place is in His kingdom, His presence. Our confidence is in His almighty all-Loving power. And when our heart and soul and mind are at home with Him, we cannot experience anything less than His glory.

This is why the Lord's Prayer meets all human needs.

And this is why the Lord's Prayer heals.

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