Sunday, March 29, 2009

Being saved

I just saved a little rolly-polly bug.

You know the kind, that when you touch them they roll themselves up like a little armored ball?

Well this one had managed to slip under my patio door and probably spent the better part of today hiking across 2/3rds of my bedroom carpet. It must have been an immense effort for the little guy.

So I just picked him up gently, walked him outside, and set him in the flower bed where he would have plenty of leaves to crawl under and things to eat. And just think:

  • He probably spent all day to get where I found him struggling.
  • And in just an instant, he found himself in a place of comfort and safety.
Isn't this what it's like when you turn your whole heart to God? God who can solve any problem? Who can immediately show you an impossible struggle suddenly over? A difficult journey easily completed? Reveal a sudden shift from sadness to joy? from loss to fulfillment? from illness to wholeness?

God picks you up where you "let Him find you" and His all-Loving power sets everything right in ways you could never imagine on your own.

Right here, right now, with every breath and every thought and every inspiration of love, God is present with you.

"God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." He shines Life and Truth and Love as you - His image and likeness. God radiates understanding, joy, progress, fulfillment - anything and everything that awakens His purpose in you. And His Love for you is unconditional. It springs from His very nature as Love itself. God no more withholds His love for you than the sun withholds its sunshine.

So when you struggle and struggle like that little rolly-polly bug did, or face the darkness of sadness, or fear, or disease, turn to God. Pray - trust your desires for wholeness, holiness, and health - to Him. Let Him pick you up and carry you into the sunshine of His Love. And you will find that those impossibly difficult "dark images of mortal thought" vanish like the powerless shadows they really are.

"For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever."
For God is infinite, all-power, all Life, Truth, Love, over all, and All.

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