Monday, April 13, 2009

Give us this day our daily salvation

"Give us this day our daily bread."
Give us grace for today; feed the famished affections.

There is nothing blocking your understanding and demonstration of Life, God.


Because Christ has already rolled away the stone from the place where you've buried your fondest earthly hopes. You have only to walk out of that tomb of dead-end thinking into the sunshine of the everpresent Love of God.

And it is God, not you and not your wishful-thinking prayers, and certainly not your willful-do-it-yourself ego, that feeds your real needs.

In fact, God made you already "delivered" to begin with. Already all-harmonious. Already within His Kingdom. Already under His perfect will and authority. Already His perfect image and likeness.

There is no leaving His Kingdom and then being returned to it. There is only being His image and likeness. Salvation awakens you to what is already true. Salvation is not an agent of changing something bad into something good, or something sick into something well. Salvation awakens you to what God is doing. And God sees you already in the Light. His Light awakens and delivers you from dreaming in all its forms: sin, disease, death. In fact, He made you already awakened, already delivered, already at-one with Him, already whole, healthy, holy - already His image and likeness.

God gives us right now - this day - our daily strength. He always feeds our need for His awakening salvation.

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