Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The power of the Lord's Prayer

The words of the Lord's Prayer have power. You've felt it. You've seen it.

But where exctly does that power lie?

The same place where all words have power: in their meaning - and in your understanding of, and response to, their meaning.

Just repeating words, even good words, doesn't light up those words with meaninng. It doesn't inspire you. And it certainly doesn't motivate you to actually do anything!

Words that aren't understood can't be acted on. And if words aren't acted on then, well, they're just words. Hence St. Paul's saying "the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." Or as they like to say in Texas, "All hat and no cattle!"

And if this is your approach to the Lord's Prayer - just saying it, instead of actually praying it - well then, that's just about useless.

Would you "pray" your grocery list and expect the refrigerator to stock itself?


But if you read your grocery list and then act on it - actually go to the store and buy what you need to feed you - then you'd be understanding what the grocery list means by putting it into action.

So consider approaching the Lord's Prayer with the same intent: to put what it means into action with all your heart and soul and mind and strength. Let it change you. Let it move you. Let it scrub you down and clean you up. Let it awaken you to who you are as God's likeness. Let it save you.

So don't say it, pray it!

As you do, you will blessed in ways you never could imagine.

"For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever."
For divine Mind is infinite - is right here with you - is all the power there is, all the Life there is, all the Truth, all the Love; is over all, and All.

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