Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rejoice in God's work today

"Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."
Enable us to know, as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme.

I'm grateful for the work I have to do today. Let "Thy will be done" in me. Let Thy Mind direct my steps, Thy purpopse be fulfilled today.

Or better: let me acknowledge that Your work is already done, that Your kingdom is already come because You are everpresent. Right now.

I rejoice to see Your work made manifest today! Enable me - and all of us to know, that, as in heaven, so on earth, Life is omnipotent, supreme.

God never sees sadness or loss or incapacity! God only sees you as His perfect image and likeness: joyous, upright, whole, free - without a single element of error or fear or loss. Why? Because "...nothing inharmonious can enter being, for Life is God."

Give us then this day our daily bread, our daily communion with You, our daily satisfaction and fulfillment, our daily yearnings / needs / dreams / and hopes-not-dared-hoped-for to be revealed as already here and now abundantly fulfilled. Nothing shattered beyond repair. No fear of loss or loneliness. No failed efforts or faithfulness neglected. No silent hopes repeatedly dashed. But only an awakening to You: Love being reflected in love - all Good reflected in goodness and all Soul in bliss.

This "grace for today" that our Father-Mother gives us, feeds all our famished affections, forgives all our debts and doubts, our losses and limitations, and leads us away from trials and self-denials, delivers us from tresspassing with evil - false seeing, false feeling, false being, into - what?

The awakening to the everpresence of Life. To the all-power of Truth. The glory of infinite Love. To the Father-Mother who is over all. To the Adorable One God - who is All.

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