Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Be in the Kingdom

"Thy kingdom come."
Thy kingdom is come; Thou art everpresent.

Think about what the kingdom of God - the Adorable One - is like. Think about its completeness, its harmony, its "lack of lack." Now think about how Christ Jesus proved God's kingdom - His sovereignty - to be always present.


Within you.

God's kingdom is come, His will is being done, in you.

What if you understood this to be true? How would you think? How would you act? How would you change your life?

Maybe you'd start by being grateful that this is already true for you even if you find it hard to accept. Maybe you'd start listening to your intuition more carefully, listen with your spiritual sense for those ideas and inspiration that make your heart burn within you. Maybe you'd rejoice to know that Spirit is stirring you - and everyone in the universe! - to wake up, to grow up, and show up.

And if you do, then you can be guaranteed that you'll feel your heart opening to God's powerful presence. And you'll be awakening to living His will, being His will made manifest - "on earth just as it is in heaven."

So yes! Give us this day our daily experience of Your kingdom and Your will and Your grace dear Father! Let us yield to it, love it, and live it! Let us be Divine Love made manifest here and now. Let us witness Your presence awakening in everyone we meet. Let us be Your power helping bring home the homeless, humble the selfish, heal the sick, feed all need, even all famished affections.

Thy kingdom is come and Thy will is done in earth as it is in heaven as we live Your presence and witness Your power. Amen.

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