Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The government of God - in you!

"Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."
Enable us to know, as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme.

The government of God is the Light of God in action - exposing what needs to be exposed, informing what needs to be informed, revealing what needs to be revealed, strengthening what needs to be strengthend, humbling what needs to be humbled.

God's government is all-powerful. Nothing can work against it, interfere with it, hinder it, or stop it, because God is the only real power there is. And God's power is Life. God's power is Truth. God's power is Love. And God's power has a purpose, and that purpose is Good and its effect is Life, Truth, and Love made manifest in a way that everyone can comprehend and experience.

All authentic sensation is spiritual - a revelation of Spirit-in-action. Jesus said of our true nature: "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit." To be "born of the Spirit" is to be "born again" - or actually, to awake to who you really already are as the image and likeness of God, Spirit.

Without this awakening, we think the material senses are the only source of information about the status of our existence. Accept this suggestion, and the hypnosis begins. Act on this suggestion, or react to it, and you put yourself to sleep about God and your already spiritually perfect likeness to Him. You think that all you are is a body with a mind inside, living a life which might be pleasant at times, but too often ends up suckered by sin, subjected to disease, and all too inevitably heading downhill towards death.

But "sweet are the uses of adversity" because that suffering we all encounter pushes us to start "...craving for something better, higher, holier, than is afforded by a material belief in a physical God and man." This longing is God stirring us, His everpresence moving in us, reminding us that there is so much more to who we are, so much more to being His likeness, so much more to life than meets the eye. Or the ear, nose, tongue, touch.

And that "so much more" is the universe of Spirit, the Kingdom of God!

And His Kingdom is your native land. This is where God's will is being done in you, just as it is in heaven - because the Kingdom of God is always already within you, is already within the grasp of your understanding. You already know this intuitively.

And this is how God knows you: as His perfection-in-action, as His Life-made-manifest, as His Light shining with the warmth of impartial universal Love. And "there shall be no night there" - no sleepy laziness, no dreaming away the hours, no hypnotic UN-consciousness neglecting God's perfect purpose for you.

God makes this Truth true. Your job is simply to accept it, reflect it, and act on it! Rest in that. Because God's will will be done in earth (and in you) just as it is in heaven. And with God, there is always a way for you to move forward.


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