Saturday, March 27, 2010
You live in Spirit
Thy kingdom is come; Thou art everpresent.
Thy Holy Spirit is come, Spirit is everpresent.
Spirit is - right now - inspiring you to awake in His likeness.
Spirit moves your thought as much as inspiration moves your heart. Be open to Spirit's blessing. Don't be afraid. Don't let fear blind you to Spirit as the Adorable One already with you, right here.
As you awake to Spirit's everpresence, you lose nothing - nothing except a mistaken view of yourself. And you gain everything as you open your heart and thought to Spirit.
"Question.--What is the scientific statement of being?
"Answer.--There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual."
This is who you are right this moment - whether you know it yet or not.
But you do know it. Intuitively.
You don't live in sin, disease, death.
You live in Spirit.
You don't live in limitation, lack, loss.
You live in Spirit.
You don't live in fear or sorrow or confusion.
You live in Spirit.
You don't live in loneliness, pain, frustration.
You live in Spirit!
The world your physical senses tell you about is not all there is. To you - or anyone else, for that matter! It seems like that is all there is, but the physical senses can't tell you the whole story.
What can tell you then?
Your spiritual sense.
"Spiritual sense, contradicting the material senses, involves intuition, hope, faith, understanding, fruition, reality."
So try listening to your spiritual sense. Try it. Test it. It takes some practice. But make the effort to actually listen to your intuitions from Spirit.
How do you know if you're listening to Spirit? You'll be inspired! And when you feel that inspiration, give it some hope. Give it some expectancy. Let that inspiration light you up!
And then: practice. Yes, just like anything worth learning, it takes practice. Be faithful to your inspiration by feeling it, testing it, living it! Then you'll begin to see - and understand - how close Spirit is to you, how much the Holy Spirit loves you.
And feeling that love that God has for you in turn inspires you to live God's Love out loud in your own life. This then is a glimpse of reality: the Holy Spirit holding you and the universe in His loving embrace.
Spirit reflected in an inspired life! your inspired life!
"Thy kingdom is come." The Holy Spirit really is everpresent with you, right here, right now.
Live it!
Friday, March 19, 2010
It's always possible
It's always possible for you to acknowledge God, to acknowledge Him as your all-harmonious Father-Mother.
It's always possible for you to recognize, hallow, honor, worship the name - and the nature - of God, the Adorable One.
It is always possible to accept that His kingdom is here within, that He is everpresent in consciousness.
It is always possible to accept His will being done in you, impelling you to be as He really is.
It is always possible to uncleanch your heart and your hands and accept His daily Bread of Life, His grace - even if just for today - and letting that grace feed all famished affections.
It is always possible to open up to forgiveness, first for yourself, then for your neighbor, living the unconditional Love that is God.
It is always possible to let God lead you out of the temptation to think that you, His actual reflection, are somehow separate from Him and His infinite goodness; to be delivered from all the lies of separation: sin, disease, even death.
And it is always always always possible to acknowledge God as the "author and finisher of our faith," His the only presence right here, His the only power right now, and His the only dazzling Light of Glory for ever.
"All things are possible to God."
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Love and Forgiveness
And Love is reflected in love.
And the Adorable One is reflected in you - in you being adore-able, able to adore "the perfect man where sinning mortal man appears to mortals," as well as - able to adore - who else? yourself! And not egotistically, but from a position of profound humility, acknowledging that all that you are - all your beautiful being and qualities - all are gifts, the gift of being the reflection of the Adorable One God.
Such an awakening forgives - releases - all dreams of wrong/being wronged, debt/being in debt, trespassing/being trespassed.
And all that is left is... what?
God and you: Love reflecting love.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Rest in God's arms
"Thy kingdom come."
Thy kingdom is come; Thou art everpresent.
What a blessing to know that our Divine Parent, our loving Father-Mother God, is ever present!
Feel what this means:
* Right here, right now, right where you are, God, Divine Mind, is present with you.
Let that sink in. Let that comfort you. Let that awaken you to how profoundly loved you already are. How incredibly safe you are. How dearly cared for you are!
You don't have a private little mind that is stuck trying to get everything done and to get everything right. You are image. You are likeness. That's how God, Divine Mind makes you and that is how He sees you: as His image and likeness.
And He inspires you to move and moves you think and act in ways that reflect His purpose and His glory. He makes you His "light emitting light without effort."
And this does not mean that Divine Mind is present with you in addition to all that achingly painful mortal story that's playing as your life!
God enables you to know and to feel and to be conscious of His presence, His power, and His supremacy. To know He is always with you, always as close to you as your thought, always present in your heart, always speaking to you with intuitions of goodness, always available to turn to, always telling you - in so many ways - "I love you."
Think about it. You really don't have a private little life that you're stuck trying to live, to get right, to make work. God is your Life and you are already His image and likeness. And your spiritual sense - your intuition - knows this. Your spiritual sense - your intuition, your hope, your faithfulness - awakens you to see Divine Love at work in your life, moves you to think and act and to live.
In fact, He inspires you to live on purpose, live His purpose for you.
"Job said: 'I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth Thee.' Mortals will echo Job's thought, when the supposed pain and pleasure of matter cease to predominate. They will then drop the false estimate of life and happiness, of joy and sorrow, and attain the bliss of loving unselfishly, working patiently, and conquering all that is unlike God. Starting from a higher standpoint, one rises spontaneously, even as light emits light without effort; for 'where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.'"
You are already right here and now His effortless light. Let it shine! It is your treasure. It is your "expression, form, outline, and color" without a single material element: no stress, no pain, no loneliness, no sorrow.
God is with your right this minute, holding you in His arms. You are His dearly loved child. Beloved. Complete. Divinely fair.
Right here. Right now.