Friday, March 19, 2010

It's always possible

The Lord's Prayer awakens us to what's really always possible:

It's always possible for you to acknowledge God, to acknowledge Him as your all-harmonious Father-Mother.

It's always possible for you to recognize, hallow, honor, worship the name - and the nature - of God, the Adorable One.

It is always possible to accept that His kingdom is here within, that He is everpresent in consciousness.

It is always possible to accept His will being done in you, impelling you to be as He really is.

It is always possible to uncleanch your heart and your hands and accept His daily Bread of Life, His grace - even if just for today - and letting that grace feed all famished affections.

It is always possible to open up to forgiveness, first for yourself, then for your neighbor, living the unconditional Love that is God.

It is always possible to let God lead you out of the temptation to think that you, His actual reflection, are somehow separate from Him and His infinite goodness; to be delivered from all the lies of separation: sin, disease, even death.

And it is always always always possible to acknowledge God as the "author and finisher of our faith," His the only presence right here, His the only power right now, and His the only dazzling Light of Glory for ever.

"All things are possible to God."

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