Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Forgive us our debts...

"Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."
And Love is reflected in love.

The need for forgiveness is eliminated when you accept, understand, and (most importantly) live the meaning of "Love is reflected in love."

The Love that is God has no sense of debt, and no sense of being a debtor. In Love's infinite grace, there is only an awakening to the debt-free atmosphere of Love! Love that holds no grudges. Love that doesn't keep score. Love that never says "you owe me!" Love that sees only love in everyone and everything in the universe.

And this Love is not a state of oblivious weakness, covering a multitude of sins. No. It is a "law of annihilation" to everything unlike itself. Like Light eliminating darkness, it is unopposably powerful.

And this is the way God forgives: the Light of His Love annihilates all sense of debt or thought of tresspass or any kind of owing or owning. Love sees only its own perfect reflection - love. Divine Love is abundant, free, unconditional, universal, all-embracing, without judgement, without measure, without price.

So imagine that. Live love like that. Like the old Persian mystic Hafiz once wrote:

"Not once has the sun ever said to the earth: You owe me.
Imagine a Love like that!
It lights up the entire world!"

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