Sunday, October 26, 2008

Aspects of Forgiveness, Part 6

"And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us."
And Love is reflected in love.

Forgive us for trespassing - walking over the sacred ground of another's spiritual identity with our muddy boots of criticism, accusations, blame, anger, and annoyance! Oh please forgive us!

As you let Love, God, be reflected in your heart by being loving - as you yield your projected (yes, projected) and mistaken (yes, mistaken) views of others, for the only view that really matters - that's really true - then you make space for forgiveness. You make space for God's crystal-clear view of things to take precedence. And that then gives you a clearer view of His already perfect spiritual likeness - right where "sinning mortal man appears to mortals."

And remember, you have complete authority over what criticisms, accusations, blame, anger, and annoyance - what thoughts - you let into your consciousness! God gives you dominion - and that includes having complete authority over what you accept into your thinking. You have complete God-given authority to stop trampling over someone else's soul, over their sense of worth, over their sense of peace. And that means you also have complete authority to stop doing those same things to yourself!

All the sorrow and meloncholy, all the deeply felt losses of relationships, jobs, pets, friends, lovers, parents, money, health, joy - if not guarded against - all these can trespass on your true spiritual identity, and your views of others' true identity. Don't do it! Don't get sucked into wallowing there! Snap out of it! Declare the Truth that God actually exists, that God actually is already Love, and that God actually is already All here and now. And since this is actually true, everything is possible!

"God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend? Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept?"

So stop pleading and whining and for Heaven's sakes stop blaming other people for your situation! Accept the love that God pours forth for you! and then reflect it, shine it back out, share it, live it! This is your authentic purpose. God will not leave you wallowing in the egotism of self-pity or standing pridefully in the egotism of self-importance! Just as God wouldn't let that whale of egotism swallow Jonah, so He will not let it swallow you! God will stir you, stir you, stir you to action and wake you up to live His Love and let it shine! And God will give you the voice you need to fulfill His mission for you, as you.

Love is always reflected in love, never in criticism, accusation, blame, anger or annoyance! And you are called to reflect that Love. God insists on it! You are Love's witness and Love will not be silent!

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