Saturday, October 18, 2008

Love is always reflected in love (Part 3)

"Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."
And Love is reflected in love.

In the dream, you might be beaten and abused. But only you can let that touch your spirit by reacting with hate.

Refusing to react with hate, but instead with love, is following your Master, Jesus. He knew that your spiritual identity can never be touched by hate. He more than just knew it. He proved it. And you can only seem to be touched by hate when you yourself think hate is a solution - or a defense. It isn't. It NEVER is. Only Love can protect you. Only Love is power.

So be willing to let go of the grudge. Be willing not to react - but to act, to act from the highest sense of Love you can muster. That highest sense might only be silence. It might only be a willingness to not replay the offense over and over in your thought. It might be only a willingness to work off your anger with a good run, a good workout, a good cry, or even a good scream. But none of these ultimately will help you. Because what you really need to do is wake up.

So again, be willing to let go of the grudge! Why? because it keeps you from moving forward, from getting to the point of forgiveness, from waking up. The grudge may feel good for the time being - may even feel justified - but the grudge is your enemy. It punishes you be keeping you in the loop of hatefulness. It monopolizes your feelings and your thinking. It sickens you worse than the original offense ever could.

So refuse to let that offense have that kind of impact on you. Snap out of it! Quit being your own worst enemy! Put your trust in God. He will correct every and any evil situation. And love God enough to listen to your intuition. And if it says "Get out!" then get out. And if it says "Stay and face this!" then stay and face it.

And let your clearest, strongest sense of Love move you. "Love your neighbor as yourself" implies that first must love yourself! Love what is true about you, love what God made you to be, and love how God expects you to act. Then, desiring - praying - to do the best you can, move forward with Love for your "enemy." That intuitive sense of Love will guide you, guard you, heal what needs healing - just as surely as a light turned on will expose the darkness for what it is: nothing. No thing. No person. No power.

"Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."
And Love is always reflected in love.

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