Saturday, July 18, 2009

Give us this moment our daily Love

"Give us this day our daily bread."
Give us grace for today; feed the famished affections.

Give us this day our daily Love, our daily experience of Love, our daily communion with Love.

Give us the grace that is Love-in-action, that feeds not only our famished affections, but impells us to reflect the Love-that-is-God by feeding the famished affections of those around us. Or rather, that we may awaken to see and appreciate the Love that is always already present within everyone we meet!

And so forgive us our lack of seeing Love, of living Love, of giving Love, of being Love. Forgive us our lack of Grace - the unconditional Love that God shines out non-stop "on the evil and the good."

The Adorable One is only reflected in us consciously to the extent that we are being adorable! Love always demands that we live our love out loud. No sticking it under a bushel!

Eat this Bread of Life by being loving.

So give us this moment - let us receive even just for this moment - all the Love that God is giving us, all the Love that is shining in us, as us, through us, to us. Let us receive it all - and reflect it all - right now.

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