Wednesday, July 8, 2009

God's will is already done

"Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven."
Enable us to know, as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme.

"Give us this day our daily bread."
Give us grace for today; feed the famished affections.

What is God's will in heaven?

Have you ever thought about that? Is there anything opposing God in heaven? is there turmoil or strife or confusion or sin, disease, death there?

No. Because that's His kingdom, where He has complete authority.

Well then, what about God's will in earth? Does He have complete authority here too?


And Jesus is showing us in this verse that His will - as it is in heaven - is ours to awake to right here where we are seemingly in earth.

So then, couldn't you also pray this verse like this:

"Thy will be done in me as it is in heaven."

Or how about this?

"Thy will be done in body as it is in Soul."

And consider "Soul" here as understood as a synonym for God. Therefore:

Enable us to know, as in Soul, so in body, God is omnipotent, supreme.

And isn't that where God lives? in heaven, in harmony, in the perfect Soul? and if we are His image and likeness, then can't we expect His will - His desire for us, His yearning for us, His prayer for us - to be absolutely perfect? absolutely heavenly?

Jesus is asking us in this verse of the Lord's Prayer to invite God's will for us into our heart and soul. To awaken to the fact that God's will is already done in you - just as it obviously is already done in heaven.

And that is why we can receive this day - right now - our daily bread: God's perfect will for us it to be just like Him - to be His image and likeness.

Our daily bread is our daily companioning with God, our daily communion with God, our daily experience of God. And what more could we possibly need if we are at-one with Him? being fed the Bread of Life that feeds our every need?

This Bread - this communion - feeds every famished affection, feeds all our need for Love. And that daily experience of God awakens us to our daily forgiving-as-we-forgive, our daily being led - away from trials and turmoil, being delivered from sin, disease, and death.

And so we find ourselves being fed by His grace - and fed not only the unbelievably wonderful unconditional Love of God, but also feeding others by our reflection of that Love, in our own grace, our own peace, and joy, and power.

That is God's will for you, being done in you, just as it is in Heaven. And that communion feeds you and moves you with grace. It awakens you to the fact that, God knows you perfectly and sees you perfectly.

And even if we don't always see ourselves this way, God knows we don't need to be humanly perfect to still "feed the famished affections" - to still be His blessing "on earth as it is in heaven."

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