Saturday, November 7, 2009

If you always think what you've always thought, you always get what you've always got!

"Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."
Enable us to know, as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme.

Did you ever stop to think that God enables you to know how to live a heavenly - God-filled - life right here on earth?

So how about you start accepting this? How about you change your thinking? your attitude? even your "bad"-itude?

It's time to change it up!

Cuz, like the old saying goes, if you always think what you've always thought, you're always gonna get what you've always got!

So how do you start?

By being grateful.

Grateful for what?

Look around you. Even if you are in the most dire circumstances, there is always something you can be grateful for - even if it is your own sense of humor!

And the more you look the more you'll see and the more you see the more you'll be... grateful.

And then notice this: when you're grateful, you shift your perspective. You change your thinking. You start to wake up maybe even to possibility.

This is how you get past "getting what you've always got."

Gratitude wakes you up. It changes how you think about your life right now. It enables you to know - to recognize - that God, good, is already present in your life. You start to notice goodness all around you. This is "magnifying" the Lord's blessings by being aware of them and grateful for them. You really start to see God's goodness everywhere.

Now the "hard" part of gratitude:

Act on it.

Yep, you got to put that gratitude into action.

Find that gratitude and act on it!

Let divine Love, be God in your thought first and then in your life. Let the Love of God be what you focus on, what you look for, what you live for.

And choose to refuse whatever thoughts come to you that are unhappy, depressing, demoralizing, mean, selfish, habitual - all thoughts that are unlike God. Why? because it is your divine right to listen to what is most like God, to what is good and true.

This is not hiding from reality. This is embracing God's reality. It is letting go of having only a human perspective, and opening up to the divine perspective. This is also "magnifying the Lord" - making what is true about God BIG in your thought!

The old hymn says:

"He knows the angels [spiritual thoughts] that you need, and sends them to your side, to comfort, guard, and guide."

As it says in Isaiah (30:21):

"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,

'This is the way, walk in it,'
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left."

God enables us to know - to listen for these angel thoughts, these uplifting naturally spiritual intuitions that tell us all about our inate goodness and peace and joy and power - about our likeness, our closeness to God. And when we listen to God, He gives us the natural spiritual intuition to guide us into beautiful new ways of thinking and living, into hope and faith and understanding.

We change our thought to be more like His.

And God awakens our life.

Thy will be done in earth - in our thought - as it is in heaven - as it is in Divine Mind.

God enables us to know, as it is in heaven - in His reality - so right here where we are on earth, Divine Mind is the only power; He is supreme.

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