Saturday, October 31, 2009

Take out the garbage!

"Give us this day our daily bread."
Give us grace for today; feed the famished affections.

Every day - in fact, every moment - God is offering you your daily communion with Him, with the Christ, the Bread of Life, Truth, and Love. This is the Grace that feeds all those famished affections: the unfulfilled yearnings, the misguided expectations, the dashed hopes; all the loneliness, self-loathing, egotism; all the versions of "you" that don't look like God.

So take out the garbage!

You have the right to dump all the negative ego stories, the nightmare histories, the scarred past, the horrible present, or a dreaded of the future.

Maybe you might have a dream at night that you are one thing or another, rich, poor, healthy, hurt, fat, thin, lonely, friendly, saint, sinner. But whatever it is, it's a dream. When you wake up, the dream - and the dreamer - are gone, and you - who you really are - are "back."

And so it is as we awake to God.

And God is all about being awake. He stirs us to be awake to what He is knowing, to be what He is doing, to see that you really are right here and now His image and likeness: purposeful, safe, secure, abundantly cared for, powerful, whole, healthy, holy.

Notice this. See what qualities of thought - your daily bread - that God is shining in you, as you. Live on this Bread of Life. Embody it by living these qualities out loud, and you'll be waking up in His kingdom.

And you may just find yourself with enough Bread to help feed the famished affections, not only of yourself, but of all those around you.

And that will be Grace for today.

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