Sunday, October 25, 2009


If we hallow - honor, adore - God's Name, if we truly understand His nature to be completely good, we begin to awake to and accept our role as His reflection. We experience oneness with Him, communion with Him. His Name of Grace becomes our daily Bread of Life.

Then we begin to yearn for His sovereignty, His presence, to be with us, to be within us. We yearn to be with Him, to live within His kingdom, under His authority, all the time. We glimpse our likeness to Him. We yearn to reflect His unconditional Love in us as love for His creation, as love for one another. This yearning leads to doing, to forgiving all our debtors as His love forgives ours.

Then we begin to live His Love more consciously. We see the impact it has. We feel His power being made manifest in us, as us. This awakens discernment: we taste honey and understand what's good. Then we can more easily shun the bad. Learning these lessons, how then can we be led into temptation? Knowing His Love - and living it - we are delivered from all evil, from sin, disease, and even death.

How? because He really is our Father-Mother God, all-harmonious. And His is the presence (the Kingdom), and the Christly omnipotence (the Power), and the perfect Love (the Glory), forever.


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