Monday, October 19, 2009

Living "Thy will be done"

"Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."
Enable us to know, as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme.

Last Sunday evening I was getting ready for bed, and dreading Monday morning, having to go back to a stressful job whose demands too often seem way beyond my capabilities.

And that evening, as I prayed the Lord's Prayer before turning off the light, I came to this verse: "Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven" - and Mrs. Eddy's spiritual sense of it: "Enable us to know, as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme."

And I stopped.

And this is what came to me:

So you're dreading going to work tomorrow? Turn it around! See what Love is preparing for you. See the blessing of working God's work, of being His reflection. Don't indulge in dread or unease or dis-ease about work! Rejoice to simply be His image and likeness.

Bring that rejoicing to work with you. Dissatisfaction, unease, dread, fear, laziness, willfulness, egotism are not qualities that God gives you. So don't exercise them! Be alert to this! Rejoice that you are reflection! Rejoice that you work as God works! Get ego out of the way and see what He is doing - what He is expressing through you, as you! And for heaven's sakes, be grateful!!

"Thy will be done in earth - right where I am - as it is in Heaven." God enables us to know that, as in Heaven, so on earth, He really is omnipotent, supreme. He gives you willingness, ease, joyful expectancy, energy, selflessness, gratitude. Work these! Apply these! Yield to these! That is your job.

God is relaxed, even easy-going! while being omnipotent. He does not run around wildly in a panic to get things done. He moves with majesty! With sure steps and thorough focus. He speaks and it is done. All His work is luminous and precise. All His work is effortless and relaxed - even as "light emits light without effort" - dazzilylingly effective.

And God smoothes out what needs to be smoothed. He roughs up what needs to be roughed. He stops what needs to be stopped. He starts what needs to be started. He completes what needs to be completed. He works what needs to be worked.

Why? Because His already all-harmonious will is done in earth - right where you are - exactly as it is in already all-harmonious Heaven. And He enables you to know it! and to see it! and to be it! to be His will being done, His supremecy being made manifest.

Here. Now. Ever.

The weight of personal responsibility disappears in this effortless light of reflection, in this understanding of your true place and relationship to God.

Thank You Father-Mother God for this Truth. Thank You for Your Goodness, for being the Adorable One. Thank You for enabling us to know, as in heaven, so on earth, we don't have to be omnipotent, supreme - that's Your job! But thank You for awakening us to our role as reflection - of being what You are, of seeing what You, Divine Love, have prepared for us, and in rejoicing in Your complete and effortless creation.

And thank You most of all for being here, being ever-present with us, for guiding us as we fulfill our purpose as Your children: to see what You, divine Love, have prepared.

You enable us to know that your loving work is done; that it is perfectly complete and perfectly good. And that You are omnipotent, supreme. And our job today is to simply witness Your Love, Your power, and live it, and rejoice.

Thank You Father.

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