Thursday, December 17, 2009

God leads us NOT into tempation

"And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil."
And God leadeth us not into temptation but delivereth us from sin, disease, and death.

What a relief it is to know that God does not lead us into temptation, but just the opposite: He delivers us from evil - all evil! - including all sin, all disease, and even death.

What a relief it is to know that God does not dangle goodness - anything that is desirable - out in front of you just to cruelly snatch it way. God does not sucker you into wrong choices. He does not "wire" you to want what's bad for you, or make your heart's desire a sin, a sickness, or (especially) a death of your true nature.

"God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all." God has no dark intentions, no dark conflicted will for you, no dark malice, no dark humor laughing at your efforts to live and love. In Him is no darkness at all.

Yes. "God is Love." And as your Father-Mother, He creates in you a clean heart, a complete heart, a heart that beats steadily and constantly for Him. You are not cursed. You are not created as something dispicable, unworthy of love, undeserving of life, incapable of truth! God makes you in His own image and likeness, as His own reflection. The spiritual qualities you embody are reflections of Him. And He adds no sorrow with it.

Therefore, you have the divine right to reject any thought you might have of yourself as worthlessness. You have the divine right to reject every single suggestion of self-hate. God makes you to be His likeness, to live His Love, to love His Life, to be His Truth made manifest, to run with His Spirit, to live - not die! neither by age nor by 1000 cuts nor by suicide.

Wake up to see that self-love and self-hate are just positive and negative forms of egotism. It is not you. It is just a subtle suggestion that you are somehow separated from God. This "separateness" is easy to accept if you're not alert to it. It can feel good (the personal ego loves to be fed attention) but don't be duped! Egotism would love to control you, derail your life, silence your gifts, terminate your natural joy, destroy you. Don't let it! See egotism for what it is: always just a suggestion being presented to your thought. Refuse to accept it! It is your divine right to reject it! And instead, embrace your true status as God's image and likeness, a unique expression of His being. In fact you could say, you are God-being.

So don't hide under a bushel. Shine! Be the light of Light! This is your divine right and nothing can stop what God is making you to be.

"Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."
Enable us to know, as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme.

God enables you to know your perfect being, and He enables you to see it and be it.


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