Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thinking about forgiveness (Part 2)

"Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."
And Love is reflected in love.

Accept the forgiveness of God by living it out, by living the unconditional love of Love.

And God's love is unconditional. Jesus said it most beautifully: "He [God] causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." God's Love shines on everyone, rains down on everyone - equally.

What matters is your response.

Are you willing to love like that? That's how God loves. And He made you in His image and likeness. He made you to be like Him. So it isn't too much of a stretch to think that loving unconditionally is actually your native way of loving.

So be who you really are! Be His loving likeness! And you will awake from the need of forgiveness because you'll be too busy loving like God does: unconditionally.

And rest assured: Love does not ignore evil. It annihilates it. It rips off the mask of egos, of separation, of many (evil) minds, and exposes these as the dream that they really are. Evil is never the reality - but it takes focus and practice to prove this.

Fortunately Jesus left us his supreme example. He repeatedly proved evil's powerlessness. And his resurrection and ascension exposed evil forever as "the liar" that it is.

So if you're feeling the need of forgiveness (and who doesn't!) or of being forgiving (ditto!), wake up to your opportunity to reflect the unconditional love of Love, God! Don't wallow around in hurts and debts and tresspasses! Don't stay asleep in that sometimes way-too-cozy dream of evil! Wake up to God and reflect Him! Let His utterly complete and unconditional joyous love pour into you, cleansing all that guilt away. And let His utterly complete and unconditional love pour right through you, and out to everyone around you, shining His light, His love equally to all.

His Love is always shining, and you are always at the point of opportunity to awake to your real status as His image and likeness. Jesus proved this so you could live this, so you could know God's complete unconditional forgiveness of you - awake - as His perfect reflection.

"Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." And His Love is always reflected in your-being-Love-made-manifest. Here. Now.

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