Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Christ is here - are you paying attention?

"Thy kingdom come."
Thy kingdom is come; Thou art everpresent.

The Christ is already here. With you. Where? In your thought, in your consciousness, in every intuition you have of love and goodness and grace.

Make room then! Clear out the clutter of distractions and invite Christ in. Listen to His intuitions of goodness. Be still. Sit at His feet. And listen:

Let Him feed your every need with the Bread of Life.
Let Him heal your pain with His pure touch of Truth.
Let Him fire up your heart with His unconditional Love.

He is here. Right here. Right now, with you in your heart and in your consciousness. Are you listening? Do you feel the intuition that there is something better, higher, holier stirring within you?

Then "take off your shoes" - all that would separate you from Him - because you stand on holy ground.

As the old hymn says:

O dreamer, leave thy dreams for joyful waking,
O captive, rise and sing, for thou art free;
The Christ is here, all dreams of error breaking,
Unloosing bonds of all captivity.

He comes to bless thee on his wings of healing;
To banish pain, and wipe all tears away;
He comes anew, to humble hearts revealing
The mounting footsteps of the upward way.

He comes to give thee joy for desolation,
Beauty for ashes of the vanished years;
For every tear to bring full compensation,
To give thee confidence for all thy fears.

He comes to call the dumb to joyful singing;
The deaf to hear; the blinded eyes to see;
The glorious tidings of salvation bringing.
O captive, rise, thy Saviour comes to thee.

Right now, Christ is standing at the door of your heart, knocking, calling to you. He is your Saviour! He is always knocking at the door of your heart. Open it. Let Him in and let Him awaken you to who you already really are as His spiritual likeness.

"Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."
Enable us to know, as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme!

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