Sunday, April 11, 2010

How does God see you?

"Our Father, which art in heaven."
Our Father-Mother God, all-harmonious

Have you ever stopped to think about how God sees you? How God thinks about you?

He sees you as His image and likeness.

So if this is how God sees you, then how do you see yourself? As something else? What if you lived from God's point of view? What would change? What would you do differently if you actually understood that you are His image and likeness? How would you feel? Wouldn't it be amazingly good? Better than anything you could come up with yourself?


And this is how God sees you: as His image, as His likeness. And Jesus proved this time and again that being His likeness involves health, wholeness, and holiness.

This is your starting point.

Think about yourself from God's perspective - not your own personal perspective, not your educational perspective, not your medical history's perspective, not your psychological profile's perspective. Think about yourself as God's own likeness made manifest, your spiritual qualities of intelligence, affection, creativity, strength, being reflections of His nature. God's view of you is limitless, pure, - real! God's perspective is perfectly suited to draw out your most perfect likeness to Him, your unique expression of Him.

So wake up with this thought:

What does God, Divine Love, have in store for you today?

Listen in your heart for that. And know that He will fulfill in you all the life and love that He has prepared for you.

And He adds "no sorrow with it."

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