Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Being with God

"Hallowed be Thy name."
Adorable One.

If you actually adore someone, aren't you be quick to listen to what they have to say? In fact, wouldn't you hang on their every word? Wouldn't you give them 100% of your attention because you just love to be around them? And if they were to ask you to do something, wouldn't you be joyful to do it? And wouldn't you just be content to be together no matter what else is going on?

Well, isn't this then exactly what this verse of the Lord's Prayer is describing?
  • An attitude of complete and joyful attention to the Divine.

This is your model for being with God, because He is the Adorable One. Pay attention!

Hallowed be Thy name, Father-Mother. Let us not just revere You, but hear You, and feel Your presence, and live as Your likeness.

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