Sunday, June 27, 2010

Put some skin on it!

"Thy kingdom come."
Thy kingdom is come; Thou art everpresent.

What does this everpresence of God look like?

It looks like you.

Does that surprise you? Then you're likely taking a limited view of not only yourself, but also of God.

God's goodness is actually here. His joy is actually right now. And, no matter what your circumstances right now look like, His Love is actually inevitable.


Because these qualities of His are yours to live.

They are already present in your heart, in your consciousness - and always yours to demonstrate - yours to live out loud, no matter what your human circumstances.

In fact, you could truly say that the reason you are here is simply to live His love. Everything else is secondary.

Jesus so clearly understood that God is Love itself. Everything he said and did made that so abundantly clear. And as we baby-step approach this understanding ourselves, working, praying, failing and succeeding at living as His loving image and likeness, we start to realize this is why we're here. Each of us is here to make His love alive in the world.

As an old preacher friend of mine once said, "Don't just talk about the love of God. Put some skin on it!"

Get busy!

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