Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ain't got no satisfaction??

"Give us this day our daily bread."
Give us grace for today; feed the famished affections.

And what is it that really feeds and satisfies us anyway?


The peace and joy and power of God's unconditional Love - accepted and embodied in your own thought and heart and life. That's what fills every void, satifies every need, and feeds every famished affection! It is in giving that we receive, so it is in giving - reflecting - Divine Love that we finally feel loved.

And no matter how great your need is for love, His Love is infinite, His Grace is completely sufficient, to deliver you from any sense of the absence of love in your life. Just move your thought off what you think you need and instead try living His love to everyone you encounter and see what happens! It may take some practice. And it may not be obvious immediately. But you will discover for yourself that Love, God's Love - when you live it - is always reflected (sometimes in unexpected ways) in love for you.

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