Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sometimes what you're looking for is standing right in front of you!

"And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil."
And God leadeth us not into temptation, but delivereth us from sin, disease, and death.

God does not lead us into temptation. God leads us into Love. Real Love.

And isn't temptation just a way of thinking that what you really need is "out there" somewhere - like something you have to get, like maybe something that's better than what you already have, like maybe something more exciting or alluring or fun?

But isn't this just the expectation that God - Divine Love itself - is absent, boring, distant, uncaring? or maybe too churchy, or too hard, or even "too airy-fairy"? And that really we're all left to just figure this all out on our own anyway? And maybe even that even if there is a God, there is actually something out there that's better and more real and tangible for us than Divine Love?

It sure can seem like it.

But God never leads us into thinking this way. He does not lead us into the temptation to believe that we're on our own and have to fend for ourselves and somehow just find the love we need "out there" somewhere.

And temptation is just exactly that: thinking Love, God, is absent. But Love, Divine Love, is never absent. "God is Love" and so Love is actually always everpresent! Where? In consciousness, where everything Divine is reflected.

So wake up! and feel for His intuitions of expectancy that He is constantly stirring within you. He is constantly stirring your thought to look for - and find - what His divine Love has already prepared for you. He does not leave any of us out on our own, but always embraces us if we but learn to recognize and accept it.

So look for it.

Love is standing right in front of you!

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