Tuesday, May 18, 2010

God is all-harmonious

"Our Father which art in heaven."
Our Father-Mother God, all-harmonious.

God is all-harmonious!

Think of this for a moment:

God has infinite ideas. And every idea of God's is in perfect harmony with every other idea of His. Yet every idea of His is distinct, individual. Every idea has its own character and quality and identity.

Every idea of God's has it's own voice.

And every voice is in complete harmony with all the others, blending perfectly but distinctly with every other voice - a massive chorus of Light and Love resounding as the universe of Mind. Each voice unique. Each voice needed. Each voice adding its individual volume, tone, and color that makes the whole magnificent!

And the Adorable One God, all-harmonious, conducts every note, every idea, every identity together perfectly.

Listen! and hear your voice in this sonic wave of joy!

"We are God's song, finely sung..." (Alex Cook)

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