Sunday, May 30, 2010


"Thy kingdom come."
Thy kingdom is come; Thou are everpresent.

A shadow can move across a face, a garden, a whole city, causing them to appear dark. But the shadow never actually changes the substance of the face, garden, or city.

So it is with the "dark images of mortal thought" called sin, disease, death. They seem to be dark and powerful, but in God's reality they are shadows, just shadows of mortal thought which vanish in the Light of Christ, Truth.

So yes! Let us see and understand that Thy kingdom is come, that Thy sovereign presence is here with us right this very moment! That You are the Light in whom "... is no darkness at all" and that You are ever-present no matter what else seems to be going on. And Your Light is a law of instant annihilation to all dark shadows of mortal thought.

Let Your kingdom of Light come! And let it shine in us - as us - right here, right now.


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