Saturday, May 22, 2010

God's government is complete

"For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever."
For God is infinite, all-power, all Life, Truth, Love, over all, and All.

"…the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us."

Have you ever thought about how complete God’s government is of the universe (including you)?

God is our Judge, our Lawgiver, and our King.

He owns all three of the branches of government: the judicial, legislative, and executive. And as an effect of His complete government of the Universe:

· He inspires us to act – as reflections of His Life!
· He guides us to act – as reflections of His Truth.
· And He impells to be – living reflections of His Love.

God always inspires us and motivates us with intuitions of Good - to love what is good as well as to be and to do good.

And as we listen to those intuitions of Good - and act on them - we find ourselves living more and more in alignment with His will, His government! And we find ourselves inspired to do more and to live more and to mature more as His active ideas of Life, Truth, and Love - as His active disciples, spiritual warriors, and yes, His Christian healers!

God is our Judge.

He overrules all suggestions of other minds, other attractions, other negative attitudes or excuses that would claim to rule and detour or distract or tempt us into evil, into refusing to be His disciples.

God is our Lawgiver.

His Law is a Law of Goodness, a Law that obliterates evil and attracts and awakens us to become His spiritual warriors for Good!

God is our King.

He is the final authority, and it is His Word that enables us to be His Christian healers, seeing the Light of God - the “spiritual idea of Truth and Love" - everywhere the darkness of sin, disease, and death seem to be.

And God's Light and Love always draw us to be present with Him. And His Light and Love always enables all of us to understand the peace and joy and power of what He is maturing in us. The increasing sense of Love that is touching us, helps us in turn to reach the hearts of all those around us who may just need to feel His love, who maybe are searching, striving to find Him, who are yearning to awake in His likeness.

God’s Light and Love inspires that seeking, moves us to listen for His Voice, to live the wholeness and holiness that He awakens in us, to live that and give that and reflect that Love to every receptive heart we encounter, and always to rest safely under His perfect authority.

Infinite Mind creates and governs all, from the mental molecule to infinity. … Mind is Life, Truth, and Love which governs all."


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