Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Adorable One (part 2)

"Hallowed be Thy name."
Adorable One.

The Oneness of God is His power. There is no "other." No other god before Him, no other power, no other attraction, no other Ego. God is the One, and the only One to be adored - respected, loved, listened to, reflected, worshipped.

When you look in the mirror, what does your reflection look at? You. Only you. You could say that your reflection has 100% focus on you. It doesn't look away - in fact, it can't look away. It can't be distracted. It can't look at something or someone else unless you do. In a way, you could say of your reflection, that you are its adorable one.

So should God be able to say of you - if you are His reflection (and you are). And then since you are His reflection, its natural for you to focus on God, to listen to Him, to let His light shine in you and through you, reflecting Him as He is. This is how you hallow His name, His nature, because you focus completely on Him, you seek only to know and reflect Him, shine forth what you know and feel of Him. You then are adoring the One God, the Great I Am, the only I or Us.

And this Adorable One is conscious of you - and of everyone. He knows you by name. He loves you, deeply, perfectly, completely. When you feel and understand this, then you begin to feel and understand that "Thy kingdom is come; Thou art ever-present." Everpresent where? In consciousness. Here, right where you are, right now.

Feel and understand this. Think about how naturally you want to live in accordance with Love's all-harmonious nature. Feel this as your authentic being. Know that this enables you to comprehend that "as in Heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme." This is a communion that awakens you to your unity with God, divine Love, that gives you grace for today, feeds your famished affections - and enables you to feed the famished affections of everyone around you. This is Love being reflected in love, Love forgiving you of all your so-called mortal history, all those heavy debts of false beliefs about yourself and others, all those temptations to think that you are "special" and separate. Love's forgiveness awakens you to what's already always true, delivering you from the so-called duality of good and evil, the Adam dream of wilfull, ignorant, or even seemingly fatal mistakes.

How? because our Adorable God is One. He delivers us. How? Because He is the only real power there is. And our Father-Mother God is the only presence there is, the only substance, the only intelligence there is - the only Life, Truth, Love, the only glorious All.

And He is focused on, reflecting on, you. You are His image, His likeness, His reflection, His precious child.

Hallowed be Thy name, dear Father-Mother God. You are the Adorable One.

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