Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thy kingdom come

"Thy kingdom come."
Thy kingdome is come. Thou art everpresent.

Here, Jesus' prayer leads you to invite the kingdom of God to come to you. So think about what this means for a minute. What is a "kingdom" anyway? The 1913 dictionary defines kingdom as the quality or attributes of a king: the king's authority, and his sovereign power over the territory subject to him.

But how did Jesus define this idea of God's kingdom? He said God's kingdom does not come with observation, that it is not some physical place, but that it is within you. Then, in light of that, what are the implications of this verse for you?

You have already glimpsed your relationship to God as your Father-Mother in the 1st verse. You have already bowed before God's beautiful nature in the 2nd verse. And now you are inviting His presence into your heart. Isn't this verse bringing you to the point of opening? Isn't this bringing you to the point of receptivity? to the point of surrender? to the point of true humility?

Thy kingdom come - within you.
Thy kingdom is come. Thou art everpresent - in consciousness.

Think about what this means: that God is present with you right here where you are right now. Invite this idea of Immanuel - "God-with-us" - into your heart and thought right now. Let it in. Feel His warmth. Know that the Love of the Infinite Adorable One is embracing you right where you are.

You don't have to wait for something to happen. You don't have to learn a bunch of intellectual stuff or repeat the right words or try to make God love you. You just have to open the door of your thought, accept His kingdom, His presence, already within you, within your heart, within your thoughts, at work in your life, awakening you to who you truly are as His child within His kingdom, under His all-powerful care.

Mrs. Eddy says it this way: "When speaking of God's children, not the children of men, Jesus said, 'The kingdom of God is within you'; that is, Truth and Love reign in the real man, showing that man in God's image is unfallen and eternal. Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick. Thus Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is intact, universal, and that man is pure and holy."

God's kingdom - His power, His sovereign authority, includes you, covers you, secures you. In fact, your spiritual consciousness is His reflection, His territory, His kingdom.

Thy kingdom come.
Thy kingdom is come. Thou art ever present.
Thy peace is come.
Thy joy is come.
Thy power is come.
Thy Love is come and is everpresent - within you, already within your consciousness.

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