Tuesday, January 1, 2008

What is God?

When I was in College, I wasn't really sure I believed in God. Sure I'd gone to Sunday School from the time I was 3 and had memorized the books of the Bible, the 10 Commandments, the 23rd Psalm, the 91st Psalm, the Beatitudes, the Lord's Prayer, and various other things, but was there really a God out there somewhere? I just wasn't all that sure.

I happened to mention this to an old Sunday School teacher of mine, Mrs. Reyerson, when she and I happened to be chatting out on the Quad at the college I was attending. Mrs. Reyerson was one of those people who knew God well and so was wise enough to let inspiration guide her conversation. And that's what she did on this occasion. There was no insistance that I must believe. There was no doctrine thrown in my face. She just asked me some questions. She said,

"Well, the question "What is God?" is the single most important question there is. So what is a "god" to you?"

And I said, what do you mean? And she said "Isn't a god something you worship? isn't a god something that is the most important thing in the world to you?"

And I said, I guess so. And she said, "So what do you worship? What is the most important thing in the world to you? "

And I said, I don't really know. And so Mrs. Reyerson said "Imagine you're stuck all alone out on a desert island out in the middle of the sea. What would be the one thing - if you could have anything - that you could have with you that would make you excited to jump up out of bed every morning and be glad to be alive?"

And I said, "Well I don't really know that either." Then she said, "Think about it. Really think about it. And then let me know what your answer is."

And she gave me a hug and walked on her way.

I have to admit at the time I rarely felt like jumping out of bed in the morning, let alone jump out feeling glad to be alive. So I spent the next 3 days wondering what would that be like? And what would it be that, if I had it out there all by myself on that desert island out in the middle of the ocean, that it would be the one thing that would make me actually want to jump up with joy out of bed, glad to be alive?

So I ran through the usual suspects: a good book. The Good Book. A survival kit. A knife so I could whittle. A radio, a journal, a deck of cards, my dog Rusty. On and on I kept thinking these would be good to have - but would they actually make me want to jump out of bed in the morning, glad to be alive?


Then after a couple of days, it dawned on me: my friends. If I could have my friends with me out on the desert island, I would definitely jump up out of bed every morning, glad to be alive.

And I thought that was it. I could feel the warmth of this answer, being out there with my friends, out on some crazy desert island, cooking up an escape plan, exploring, building a raft, having fun, doing more than just surving, but having an adventure and being together.

As it turned out I was going to see Mrs. Reyerson the next day, so I was glad I had an answer. But as I got ready for bed that night, a question popped into my head: "what is it about your friends that makes them the single most important thing that would make you glad to be alive? what is it about your friends that has to do with this question of what God is?"

And it dawned on me: it is their love. It is love that actually lights them up as my friends. It is the love we live and express to each other that makes us friends. It is feeling that love that actually makes me want to jump out of bed in the morning, glad to be alive.

And all of the sudden I thought of that phrase from I John 4:8 that I've seen written up on the wall of my church every Sunday since I was a toddler: "God is Love." God is Love. God is not some guy up in the sky to believe in or not. God is Love itself, the Love that showers down on the just and the unjust, the Love that is impartial and universal, the Love that heals, redeems, saves, the Love that my friends reflect, the Love that actually is God.

And when I put that feeling of Love into every time I read the word "God," the Bible suddenly lit up for me. I glimpsed something of what God really is. I felt a little bit of what God really is. I no longer doubted God's existance, I began to understand something of how we manifest - reflect - Him. I began to glimpse what God really is.

And I tell you, if you ask yourself "what is the most important thing in the world to me? what makes me jump out of bed in the morning, glad to be alive?" and actually honestly think about it as deep down as you can, I think you too will find out what God is to you. And if you do, it will change everything. God will be real to you, a living power and presence in your heart, a wonderful companion, closer than your own thoughts.

And maybe you will even find yourself actually jumping out of bed in the morning, glad to be alive.

"Our Father which art in heaven."
Our Father-Mother Love, all-harmonious.
Our Father-Mother Life, all-harmonious.
Our Father-Mother Principle, all-harmonious.
Our Father-Mother Soul, all-harmonious.
Our Father-Mother Spirit, all-harmonious.
Our Father-Mother Mind, all-harmonious.

Oh, and Mrs. Reyerson was glad I'd found my own answer. It happened to be the same as hers.

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