Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dr. Bob's gift

I'd like to share something my good friend Dr. Bob wrote. He's also studying the Lord's Prayer and he said it would be OK for me to share what he sent me. I know you'll find it as inspiring as I did. Here it is, complete:


December 30, 2007

As the year 2007 closes, and my thoughts of accomplishments and challenges are reviewed, I set forth a particularly prevalent approach to healings in my experience during the year. Reading Mary Baker Eddy’s “…spiritual sense of the Lord’s Prayer”, found on pages 16-17 of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, elevated my understanding of Jesus’ teaching. I contemplated each line, stayed with it until I gained a higher sense of how to apply a deeper meaning of the Prayer to overcome mortal mind’s attempted intrusion into the sunshine of peaceful experiences.

The following is typical of my desire to use the strength and certainty of God’s infinite power to deliver me closer to man’s true nature as His cherished child:

(“Our Father…”) Father, I know that you love me, and you know that I love you. I understand that you are Principal, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Life, Truth, Love, substance, and intelligence. I understand that each of these synonyms has endless attributes which apply effectively to any need I have.

(“…which art in heaven,…”) I realize that heaven is where you dwell, and that dwelling place is everywhere, and that I am there also, because within it you created me. It is a peaceful atmosphere, harmonious, and mighty, with no threat of weakness, confusion, uncertainty, hostility, anger, or dismay..

(“Hallowed be Thy name.”) Father, you are what you are, the supreme reason for Life, and I adore and honor you. It is awesome to recognize your power and your governance of the universe.

(“Thy kingdom come.”) Since you are all, everywhere, and all powerful, there is no waiting for your kingdom to come. I am already within it. In it is where you want me to be; with you, right now.

(“Thy will be done in earth…”) Spiritually earth is an eternal place where there is no fear, only joyous avenues, boulevards, mountains, and trails to travel and explore that have no ending.

(“…as it is in heaven.”) I don’t have to wish or hope for your will to be done, because I know and understand that your work is finished. Your will is done. It is my spiritual consciousness.

(“Give us this day our daily bread;”) I am supplied every moment of every day with an abundance of perfect ideas guiding and guarding every promising step in my journey.

(“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”) Sometimes I seem to make mistakes when upset or confused, but I don’t want to act intentionally to hurt or harm another, or myself. I trust that I am able to express your love and as I am forgiven and corrected others will do the same. Harmony among your children is normal. Sometimes animal magnetism tries to block my perfect reflection, but vanishes as my thoughts turn to spiritual ideals.

(“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”) I have real comfort in knowing what you will not do and what you will do. Pleading or begging is not what you want from me. I realize that I must make the decision to turn away from temptation and allow your floodtides of good to deliver me from evil. I know that you will show me how to turn away from sin, disease, and death.

(“For thine is the kingdom,…”) Your heavenly kingdom surrounds me and gives me courage.

(“… and the power,…”) I have the inner strength of conviction to demonstrate the fallacy of mortality, and to the reject the illusion of any other power but thine.

(“…and the glory, forever.”) Through your glorious grace, protection, and unconditional love, I AM HEALED.

Thank you Jesus for the Lord’s Prayer.
Thank you Mary Baker Eddy for the spiritual sense of the Lord’s Prayer.


KennethFach said...

I share your love of Mrs Eddy's spiritual interpretation of the Lord's Prayer. I also like to dwell on that, especially, "Love is reflected in love." The whole book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, explains in depth the Lord's Prayer.

Kenneth Fach in Tallahassee

Mark said...

Kenneth, the more I study the Lord's Prayer, the more I realize that you are exactly right: "the whole book, Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures, explains in depth the Lord's Prayer."

KennethFach said...

In a world field with misconceptions, it is a treat to find Truth expressed and reaching out to the universe of receptive thought. The Bible, Science and Health with the to the Scriptures, and the Declaration of Independence, give me the best treat, or snack, ever. We can put truths into spiritual terms. Mary Baker Eddy was good at doing this.

Mark said...

Kenneth, the more I study the Lord's Prayer, the deeper my appreciation of Mrs. Eddy and her clarity in putting Truth in spiritual terms we can not only understand but learn to demonstrate. Certainly a feast has been laid before us.

KennethFach said...

That feast you mentioned is unending. When will the whole world see this. "The time for thinkers has come" says Mrs Eddy.

Mark said...
